Origin of the pyramids: Wisdom of the Pharaohs or alien technology?

In ancient times that we consider extremely backward, all over the world there were surprisingly complex structures, one of which is the well-known pyramids. .

The pyramids are not just a representation of Egyptian culture. In fact, there are similar pyramid buildings around the world, such as: the Sudanese pyramid, the great pyramid of Mexico, the Peruvian pyramid, the Roman pyramid…

As one of the most influential ancient works in human history, around the pyramid there are countless mysteries and legends for thousands of years, especially from the Internet age, metal conspiracy theories. pyramids appear one by one.

Nguồn gốc của kim tự tháp: Trí tuệ của các Pharaoh hay công nghệ ngoài hành tinh? - Ảnh 1.

The Egyptian pyramids are a giant structure in the middle of the desert and can be seen from extraterrestrial satellites. The construction of these pyramids was certainly a colossal task, so who did it?

The pyramid is certainly a typical symbol of ancient Egyptian civilization, the most typical of which is the pyramid of Giza located near Cairo, the capital of Egypt. The position of the pyramids of Giza is irreplaceable, with a unique historical value that cannot be compared with other pyramids.

The earliest pyramid construction dates back 5,000 years. Among them, the most spectacular is the pyramid of Khufu with a height of 146 meters and a wheelbase of 230 meters. The Khufu pyramid held the title of tallest structure in human society for a long time, until the birth of Lincoln Cathedral in England.

Even in today’s modern society, the height of 146 meters is still considered the epitome of tall buildings. Mass, magnificence and exquisite craftsmanship make Khufu’s pyramid unique among ancient constructions. However, the question of who built the pyramids has always been at the heart of academic debate.

Nguồn gốc của kim tự tháp: Trí tuệ của các Pharaoh hay công nghệ ngoài hành tinh? - Ảnh 2.

So far, the Giza pyramid complex located on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt, still amazes scientists. Enormous in size, perfectly geometric, and adorned with intricate ornaments, the pyramids at Giza show the power of the Pharaohs during Egypt’s golden age.

In the 1850s, it was argued that the construction of the pyramids was not done by humans. Many scholars have even openly supported and defended this view, including US congressman Ignatius Donnelly. As a proponent of prehistoric civilization, Donnelly is convinced that the people who built the Egyptian pyramids were definitely people from an advanced prehistoric civilization, however records regarding the issue This was lost for some reason.

Since the 1930s, this view has been shifted by many to the UFO and alien theory. Many people firmly believe that the subject of a certain advanced prehistoric civilization is alien. They believe that all ancient human civilizations were guided by ancient aliens in their development.

Some people point out that the pyramid is not a Pharaoh’s tomb at all, because no real mummies have been unearthed from the pyramid, and they all come from the Valley of the Kings of Ai. Egypt. In addition to some of the discovered functions of the pyramid, there may be some functions that modern humans have not discovered, and it is possible that due to its long age, today’s pyramid has gradually lost its functions. its inherent ability.

Nguồn gốc của kim tự tháp: Trí tuệ của các Pharaoh hay công nghệ ngoài hành tinh? - Ảnh 3.

Khufu’s pyramid, also known as the Great Pyramid, was the first structure built in the complex. It is also the largest of the three pyramids. According to National Geographic, the building is estimated to be built from about 2.3 million blocks of limestone and granite, with each block weighing between 2.5 and 15 tons.

According to geological analysis maps, archaeologists discovered that almost all pyramids were built on volcanic or seismic zones. And according to those who believe in the theory of UFOs and aliens, there is only one reason to do so, that is to collect energy – the internal energy of the Earth will be most concentrated in these two areas.

It’s possible that the alien civilizations’ technology is different from ours, and the energy they need is different from ours, so they gather energy through the pyramids to feed themselves, like like we need electricity to grow, but their methods are more advanced. And it is thanks to this energy source that in the pyramid there have been many strange phenomena.

However, these views are not accepted by mainstream scientists, historians and archaeologists. Although traditional scholars disagree with these views, in the Internet age, these ideas are still widely spread and become the subject of more and more talk.

Nguồn gốc của kim tự tháp: Trí tuệ của các Pharaoh hay công nghệ ngoài hành tinh? - Ảnh 4.

The Great Pyramid is the oldest of the seven famous wonders of the ancient world, and the only one still intact.

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