NASA has made official intentions to send people to Mars in 2033, and preparations have already started.

NASA has officially announced plans to send humans to Mars in 2033, with preparations beginning today.

No longer are ideas, far-fetched dreams or projects on the table with no implementation date, but now, the mission on Mars has been officially launched by NASA . Recently, US President Trump personally authorized NASA to undertake the mission of sending humans to Mars in 2033 and shortly after, NASA announced a 5-stage plan with unprecedented detail to complete this task.
In fact, long before all humans set foot on the Moon, humans dreamed of setting foot on Mars. Our brother planet in the solar system has long been the subject of countless scientific worksfiction, inspiring dreams of traveling and exploring on it. Now, it is no longer a dream but about to become a reality. After decades of effort and determination, NASA announced it was ready to send humans to Mars, and they offered a very specific roadmap to do so.

In a five-phase plan, NASA said it is now taking solid steps in phase 0, which includes conducting tests on the ISS and developing partnerships with NASA. private companies. In Phase I, which lasts from 2018 to 2025, they will launch and test 6 SLS . rockets. These are large rockets that will send the Deep Space Gateway (DSF) equipment into space. This is a new generation space station developed near the Moon to serve and support astronauts to Mars.

Then to phase II, NASA will continue to send the Deep Space Transport tube (DST) to the space station near the Moon in 2027. And then by 2028, 2029, astronauts will live in DST within 400. days or more. By 2030, phase III will be started with the main task of adding goods and human resources to DST by SLS rockets. Finally, by 2033, the journey will officially begin in phase IV, Mars transit. In other words, in just 16 years, Mars will officially become a human destination.

NASA has officially announced plans to send humans to Mars in 2033, with preparations beginning today.

However, whether this mission is completed or not depends on how NASA solves the big challenge: budget. Their budget currently accounts for about 5% of the total US national budget. In a comparison, this amount is still small, but still 4% more than it was during the Apollo Moon mission. Of course, to conduct a mission to Mars requires not only budget but also technology, ensuring the astronauts are always healthy and happy on the long journey to the red planet. On a journey without a stopover, astronauts need to have all their needs met, including oxygen, food, and water during a journey that can last 2-3 days. year.

NASA has officially announced plans to send humans to Mars in 2033, with preparations beginning today.

On the other hand, the mental health of astronauts is also a matter of concern. Until they board the train and depart for the trip, all will be closed and they have to stay inside the whole process, there is no “emergency ʙuттon” to return. And not only NASA, but Boeing and SpaceX are also hatching plans to send humans to Mars. SpaceX has even set a roadmap to get there by 2022. Of course, this will create a science and technology race whose ultimate goal is nothing more than expanding humanity’s understanding to a complete height. all new.

NASA has officially announced plans to send humans to Mars in 2033, with preparations beginning today.

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