“Treasure Mountain” is strange Russia has a gold, platinum, and precious stone mine that is one billion years old.

The “treasure mountain” is rich in platinum, gold and other precious metal ores, the result of a billion years of geological movement and erosion. According to Siberiantimes,…

Unravel the grand mystery of the valley where stranded blue whale skeletons are found.

The site is called Wadi El Hitan, dυbbed the Valley of Whales, located aroυnd 160 kilometers from the famoυs pyramids at Giza. There is an ancient Egyptian…

In Spain, palaeontologists discovered a fossilized nest with several eggs laid by enormous dinosaurs.

Archaeologists have extracted 30 titanosaur dinosaur eggs found in a two-tonne block of rock in northern  Spain and believe there could be as many as 70 more…

“Archaeologists Discover the Most Controversial Giant Skeletons in History”

Do you guys believe in giants? Probably not. But in fact, you can easily find unearthed photos of many giant skeletons … astounded. Maybe most of them are “fake” but they are really impressive. Even a few photos of the giant skeleton are still controversial because of its authenticity. 1. 18 giant skeletons in Wisconsin in 1912 In May 1912, […]

Medieval Skeleton Discovered in London Still Wearing Boots Confuses Researchers

Archaeologists excavating a site along with the Thames Tideway Tunnel—a massive pipeline nicknamed London’s “super sewer”—have гeⱱeаɩed the ѕkeletoп of a medieval man who ɩіteгаɩɩу dіed with his boots on. “It’s extremely гагe to discover any boots from the late 15th century, let аɩoпe a ѕkeletoп still wearing them,” says Beth Richardson of the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA). “And […]

800-Year-Old Mummy Discovered by Researchers in Peru

Some 800 years ago, a young adult was buried on Peru’s central coast. Caretakers mummified the individual, wrapping their remains in cloth, placing their hands over their…

Crazy Things


Burger Marvel


The inspiring book Animals at War: The Art of Animal Armies

Drink to our website devoted to the inconceivable world of creatures at War! Then, we showcase the inspiring art of Beast Armies,” the stalwart and valorous creatures who have served alongside humans in times of conflict. Throughout history, creatures have played a vital part in warfare. From nags and tykes to suckers and mammoths, these inconceivable brutes have served as couriers, scouts, transport, and indeed combatants. The bond between humans and creatures in war is an important one, and it has inspired numerous artists to produce stunning works of art depicting these heroic creatures. Our website is a tribute to the creatures at war and the inconceivable art inspired by them. We showcase a range of artwork including oils, puppets, and digital art, created by talented artists from around the world. We hope that our collection inspires you and celebrates the frippery and immolation of these remarkable creatures.